• Sab. Lug 27th, 2024


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Brain changes linked to obesity result in low sperm count

Obesity is known to cause lower testosterone in men, impacting muscle mass and cognition, as well as reproductive function by diminishing sperm numbers and lowering libido. Just how obesity produces…

Alterations in human gene TRPC5 cause obesity and postpartum depression

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge and collaborating institutions have discovered that alterations in the human gene TRPC5 cause obesity and postpartum depression. Taken together, their…

Studies on risks of weight-loss drugs #DDW2024

Studies examining the risks of GLP-1 weight-loss drugs, distinguishing alpha-gal syndrome from other GI disorders, and comparing medications to slow the progression of liver disease in patients with alcohol-use disorder…

Two plant extracts with potential as GLP-1 agonist weight loss pills are identified by AI-based analysis

Two plant compounds with potential as GLP-1 agonist weight loss pills have been identified in an AI (artificial intelligence)-based study, the European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2024) (Venice 12-15 May),…

Switching to vegan or ketogenic diet rapidly impacts immune system

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health observed rapid and distinct immune system changes in a small study of people who switched to a vegan or a ketogenic (also called…