• Mer. Ott 23rd, 2024


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  • Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy increases postpartum depression risk for at least 3 years

Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy increases postpartum depression risk for at least 3 years

Women exposed to higher levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) or inhalable particulate matter (PM10) during the second trimester of pregnancy face an almost fourfold increased risk of postpartum depression, compared…

Air pollution linked to higher risk of infertility in men

Long term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution is linked to a higher risk of infertility in men, whereas road traffic noise is linked to a higher risk…

Stress hormone during pregnancy linked to IQ in children

Higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol during the third trimester of pregnancy may impede intelligence quotient (IQ) scores in boys aged 7 years old, according to research presented at…